Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh, erm, hello.

Hello, young Padawans who are visiting this blog!
No, I am not obsessed with Star Wars. The template is too pink.
I don't actually like it all that much, but there was no purple template, and I can't really make one, so I have to deal with this.
Okay, let's get down to business here.
I. Am. Obsessed. With. Thoroughly. Modern. Millie.
See that little abbreviation right there? Whenever you see it (and you'll see it a lot) , I am talking about Thoroughly Modern Millie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second order of business: In case you haven't noticed already with the whole TMM obsession, I'm not exactly your average teenager. I go to an arts high school called OCHSA, aka Orange County High School of the Arts, aka about the craziest, awesomest, weirdest, wildest, people-who-sing-dance-act-write-paint-make-sets-havenest high school on the whole planet.
BTW, it's pronounced O-sha. Nobody actually calls it Orange County High School of the Arts; it's just too long and stuffy-sounding.
Third order of business: umm, I don't know. I probably should tell you I am completely and utterly random, I have long brown hair (and I mean really long, like long enough to sit on), and I have grey eyes & glasses. You can leave how the rest of me looks up to your imagination. But I will tell you I don't think I'm amazingly pretty.
Fourth order of business: I am boycotting American Girl, because they are mean and freakish and took away not only the theaters in the American Girl Places, but they are taking away Samantha & Nellie, too!!!!!!!! ROAR, EVIL MATTEL!!!!!!!!!!! My ten-year-old self lived and longed for the day I would someday get to perform on the teeny green stage at American Girl Place as Becky. And you smashed my former dreams to pieces. Grr!!!!!!!!
Fifth order of business: I don't actually like Twilight all that much. I mean, yes I agree Robert Pattinson & the guy who plays Jacob are insanely hot (no, really?) but I didn't really like the book all that much. I went on the Twilight Lexicon and read the CliffNotes version of New Moon and Eclipse, and I thought that the plot could have been squashed into two books, like Stephenie Meyer originally was going to do. But I couldn't read Breaking Dawn, because the Twilight Lexicon doesn't have it yet, so I'm bumming it off of my friend Nitzie, who reads EXTREMELY SLOWLY and can't give it to me until she's done with it, which will feel like forever to me, because she only started New Moon on Wednesday, and she's like on page 85. Sigh.
I forgot this at the beginning, but, Oh, erm, hello.